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Friday, September 10, 2010

An Old favourite

Here is a return of an old blog freebie that i had posted,
You can download this by clicking here, Please remember to leave a lil love
when downloading, appreciation goes a very long way.


jullio-juyo said...

O.O.How can I get this kit?I need the password of this,please.

@TheOtherRosie said...

Thank you so much for sharing, but apparently I'm not the only person who has lost track of your password. LOL

grandie said...

I can't access it either... :o(

The other downloads are really lovely, many thanks

Kind regards

@TheOtherRosie said...

What is the password for this download? Or is it no longer free? Best wishes regardless.


bsmiley6918 said...

is there a password for this kit? its absolutely lovely, i would love to work with it. thanks in advance. hugs beth

Digi said...

Thank-You all very much for bringing this to my attention,

You can now download this kit without a password needed.

Arty-Pharty x

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